Function: | gatheratts |
Purpose | Gathers all the attributes and their values into a list for all insertions of specified blocks. |
Arguments | bnames list of block names to find |
Returns | list of lists Organized by block name as follows: |
rtlist gatheratts ;the list to return
inslist ;list of block insertions
attlist atts indx objins ss1 ssl ssp)
;end of local variable list
ssp (ssgetfirst)
bnames (mapcar '(lambda (s) (strcase s)) bnames)
(foreach bname bnames
;;Let's see if this block has any insertions
((null (setq ss1 (ssget "X" '((0 . "INSERT")))))
nil ;no selection set created, return nil
;;How many insertions?
((= 0 (setq ssl (sslength ss1)))
nil ;no insertions, return nil
;; We found insertions, lets build a list of their attributes
indx -1 ;initialize our index
inslist nil
) ;end setq
;;get all the insertions for this block
(while (> ssl (setq indx (1+ indx)))
;;stop this object here if it has not attributes
((= :vlax-false
(setq objIns
(vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss1 indx))
((not (or
;;it's an un-modified dynamic block or non-dynamic block
(= bname (strcase (vla-get-name objins)))
;;it's a dynamic block
(= bname (strcase (vla-get-effectivename objins)))
) ;end or
) ;end not
nil ;it isn't one of our blocks, ignore it
(T ;do this to every object that gets by our test
atts (vla-getattributes objIns)
attlist (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value atts))
;the attributes in a list
attlist (mapcar
'(lambda (a) (cons (vla-get-tagstring a) a))
inslist (append inslist (list (cons objins attlist)))
) ;end setq
) ;end T
) ;end cond
) ;end while insertions still found for this block name
;;add the lists for the insertions of this block to the return list
(setq rtlist (append rtlist (list (cons bname inslist))))
) ;end T
) ;end cond
) ;end foreach
(sssetfirst (car ssp) (cadr ssp))
rtlist ;return the list of lists of lists of lists of lists...
) ;end of gatheratts
(Edited 4/18/2009 to improve formatting)
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