I hate doing things I can make my computer do for me. My adventures in customizing and automating computers. Primarily with AutoCAD and Microsoft Office.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Bulk Rename Utility

I am working on a project that involves renaming many xref drawing files.  To deal with redirecting all of the references to these files I have created a routine that reads a list of old reference drawing names and new reference drawing names from a tab delimited text file.  The lisp routine then renames each reference to each of the redirected files and changes the path to point to the renamed drawing.  The intention is that this routine will be run by the s::startup routine when a drawing opens.  This allows us to simply add an entry to the redirection list and it will be handled the next time any referencing drawings are opened.

Yesterday I was faced with the task of renaming about 50 of these xref drawing files in one shot.  Enter “Bulk Rename Utility”.  Bulk Rename Utility is a free file renaming tool allowing you to easily rename files and entire folders based upon extremely flexible criteria.  A look at a screenshot (here) gives an idea just how many options there are.  This utility not only allowed me to rename these 50 files in one quick shot, but also gave me a tab delimited list of the old name and new name pairs.  This list will go directly into my xref redirection list with very little additional tweaking.

Kudos to a great piece of free software.  Download it here:http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Main_Intro.php

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