I hate doing things I can make my computer do for me. My adventures in customizing and automating computers. Primarily with AutoCAD and Microsoft Office.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How to do "OR" conditions in Outlook rules

I recently ran in to a situation where my email had been sold and picked up by phishers. I was not happy, but not willing to give up an email address I had been using for decades. 

 As the junk and phishing emails came it was easy enough to create a rule for each one based on the FROM email, but often there would be multiple FROM addresses using the same domain and I didn't want to clutter up my rules with a bunch of specific conditions. I thought if I could do OR conditions on the FROM address I could minimize the number of rules. So I searched the web for a way to do rules with multiple OR conditions, but wasn't able to find any help. Changing the rule condition from "FROM" to "KEYWORDS" and "SENDER ADDRESS INCLUDES":
helped but I was still limited to one condition without being able to use "or". I discovered that multiple options can be added to the one condition and they are each treated as "OR" conditions. I also started blocking the entire domain instead of just the single email address:
I have not found a limit to the number of conditions allowed.

I'm sure this could be simplified using code, but this is good enough for me at this point.

I hope someone else finds this useful.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Nested Layer Control Autocad Lisp Routines

This is a group of files that will allow the user to selected nested objects for manipulating the layers: Each of the routines will allow the user to select an object. Information on the object and it's layer, including nesting information, will be shown in a dialog box. From there, the user selects the level of nesting that involves the layer he wants. Picking OK will perform the operation on the nested layer.

Sorry this is a bit rough, I was in a hurry.

Begin NestedLayerControl.lsp

c:llo		turn a layer off by selecting a nested entity
c:llk		lock a layer by selecting a nested entity
c:llf		freeze a layer by selecting a nested entity
c:llu		unlock a layer by selecting a nested entity
c:llp		Set layer plotting on by selecting a nested entity
c:llnp		Set layer plotting off by selecting a nested entity

c:vplf		ViewPort Layer Freeze by selecting a nested entity
nlf		nested layer functions
ezl:nllist	dialog box routine used for nlf


(defun c:llo (				;turn a layer off by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	     )				;no local variables
  (nlf "OFF" T)
)					;end llo

(defun c:llk (				;lock a layer by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	     )				;no local variables
  (nlf "LOCK" T)
)					;end llk

(defun c:llnp(				;Turn off plotting by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	      )				;no local variables
  (nlf '("P" "NoPlot") T)

(defun c:llp(				;Turn plotting on by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	      )				;no local variables
  (nlf '("P" "Plot") T)

(defun c:vplf(
  (nlf "VPLFREEZE" T)

(defun c:llf (				;freeze a layer by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	     )				;no local variables
  (nlf "FREEZE" T)
)					;end llf

(defun c:llu (				;unlock a layer by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	     )				;no local variables
  (nlf "UNLOCK" T)
)					;end llU

(defun nlf (				;nested layer functions
	    which			;text string for the layer command
	    nestedp			;true to work on nested layers, nil otherwise
	    /				;end of formal argument list
	    blipmode cmdecho echo elist ent layer prmpt temp
	   )				;end of local variable list
    ;;linetype change
    ((and (listp which) (= "L" (strcase (car which))))
       prmpt (strcat "change to linetype " (cadr which))
       echo (strcat "changed to " (cadr which) " linetype.")
    ((and (listp which) (= "P" (strcase (car which))))
       prmpt (strcat "set to " (cadr which))
       echo (strcat "Set to " (cadr which) ".")
    ((listp which)
     (alert "Unhandled list as argument WHICH in EZLayer nlf function.")
    ((equal "OFF" which)
       prmpt "turn off:"
       echo  "turned off."
     ) ;_ end of setq
    ((equal "FREEZE" which)
       prmpt "freeze:"
       echo  "frozen."
     ) ;_ end of setq
    ((equal "LOCK" which)
       prmpt "lock:"
       echo  "locked."
     ) ;_ end of setq
    ((equal "UNLOCK" which)
       prmpt "unlock:"
       echo  "unlocked."
     ) ;_ end of setq
    ((equal "VPLFREEZE" which)
       prmpt "freeze in current viewport:"
       echo "frozen in current viewport:"
    ((equal "Plot Off" which)
       prmpt "Turn plotting off:"
       echo "Plotting turned off: ")
    ((equal "Plot On" which)
       prmpt "Turn plotting on:"
       echo "Plotting turned on: ")
    (T exit)
  )					;end cond

       (null nestedp)
       (setq ent (entsel (strcat "Pick entity on layer to " prmpt)))
       elist (entget (car ent))
       layer (cdr (assoc 8 elist))
     )					;end null nestedp
       (setq ent (nentsel (strcat "Pick entity on layer to " prmpt)))
       (setq temp (ezl:nllist ent))
       (/= 0 (car temp))
       )				;end and
     (setq layer (cadadr temp))
    (T (alert "\nInvalid value in nlp function.")(exit))
					;end nestedp
    (if (and
	  (= (strcase layer) (getvar "clayer"))
	  (= which "FREEZE")
	(princ "\nSetting current layer to 0. ")
        (setvar "clayer" "0")
	blipmode (getvar "blipmode")
	cmdecho	 (getvar "cmdecho")
      ) ;_ end of setq
      (setvar "cmdecho" 1);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
      (setvar "blipmode" 0)
	   (listp which)
	   (member (strcase (car which)) '("L" "P"))
	 (command "layer" (car which) (cadr which) layer "")
	((listp which)
	 (alert "Unhandled list for WHICH argument in nlf function.")
	;;basic layer command
	((member which '("FREEZE" "OFF" "LOCK" "UNLOCK" ))
	 (command "layer" which layer "")
	;;vplayer freeze
	((= which "VPLFREEZE")
	 (if (= 0 (getvar "tilemode"))
	     (command "vplayer" "f" layer "" "")
	     (alert "This command must have tilemode set to 0")
	(T (alert (strcat "Invalid function name: " which " in nlf function in ezlutils.lsp")))
      (setvar "blipmode" blipmode)
      (setvar "cmdecho" cmdecho)
      (princ (strcat "\nLayer " layer " " echo))
      (setvar "cmdecho" cmdecho)
      (setvar "blipmode" blipmode)
    )					;end progn
)					;end nlf


(defun ezl:nllist (				;list the layers of a nested entity
	       sellist			;list returned by nentsel
	       /			;end of formal argument list
	       elayer			;nested function
	       nlist:fill_list		;nested function
	       entlist	   llist	   dcl_id
	       listitem	   which
	      )				;end of local variable list

  (defun elayer	(			;return the entity type and layer name
		 ent			;entity name
		 /			;end of formal argument list
		)			;end of local variable list
      elist (entget ent)
      layer (cdr (assoc 8 elist))
      etype (cdr (assoc 0 elist))
      etype (cond
	      ((= "INSERT" etype)
		 "Block "
		 (cdr (assoc 2 elist))
		 " insertion"
	       ) ;_ end of strcat
	      ((= "ATTDEF" etype)
	       "Attribute Definition"
	      ((= "ATTRIB" etype)
	      ((= "BODY" etype)
	       "3D Solid"
	      (T etype)
	    ) ;_ end of cond
    )					;end setq
    (list etype layer)
  )					;end elayer

  (defun nllist:fill_list (		;fill the layers list box
			   llist	;list of layers and entity descriptions
			   listbox-key	;the key for the listbox
			   /		;end of formal argument list
			  )		;end of local variable list
    (start_list listbox-key)
    (foreach ent llist
      (add_list	(strcat
		  (cadr ent)		;layer name
		  "\t "
		  (car ent)		;entity description
		)			;end strcat
      )					;end add_list
    )					;end foreach
  ) ;_ end of defun

  (if (<= 4 (length sellist))
    (setq entlist (cons (car sellist) (last sellist)))
    (setq entlist (list (car sellist)))
  ) ;_ end of if
    llist  (mapcar 'elayer entlist)
    dcl_id (load_dialog "nllist.dcl")
  ) ;_ end of setq
  (if (not (new_dialog "setlayer" dcl_id))
  ) ;_ end of if

  (action_tile "layer_list" "(setq listitem $value)")
  (nllist:fill_list llist "layer_list")
    listitem (get_tile "layer_list")
    which    (start_dialog)
  ) ;_ end of setq
  (unload_dialog dcl_id)
  (list which (nth (atoi listitem) llist))
)					;end ezl:nllist

Begin NLList.dcl
    dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings { audit_level = 3; }
setlayer : dialog {
   initial_focus = "layer_list" ;
   key = "chlayer" ;
   label = "Select layer" ;
   : list_box {
      allow_accept = true ;
      key = "layer_list" ;
      label = "Layers" ;
      mnemonic = "L" ;
      width = 96 ;
      height = 32;
      tabs ="16 24 32";
   ok_cancel ;


Monday, August 27, 2012

Here are some Text Justification Routines using a core routine.

This link to Justify_Text_Tools.lsp (originally by Ryan Pace) has routines for setting the justification of text/mtext objects.  The included routines are:
(defun c:JTL () (JustifyText "TL")(princ));Justify Text to top left
(defun c:JTR () (JustifyText "TR")(princ));Justify Text to top right
(defun c:JTC () (JustifyText "TC")(princ));Justify Text to top center
(defun c:JML () (JustifyText "ML")(princ));Justify Text to middle left
(defun c:JMR () (JustifyText "MR")(princ));Justify Text to middle right
(defun c:JMC () (JustifyText "MC")(princ));Justify Text to middle center
(defun c:JBL () (JustifyText "BL")(princ));Justify Text to bottom left
(defun c:JBR () (JustifyText "BR")(princ));Justify Text to bottom right
(defun c:JBC () (JustifyText "BC")(princ));Justify Text to bottom center
As you can see, each of the routines calls the JustifyText routine with an argument telling it which justification to use.  This allows us to use the one core routine for multiple tools so if we ever have to update the routines we only have to update the JustifyText sub-routine.
(defun JustifyText(mode / *ERROR* cmdecho)
  (defun *ERROR*(msg)
    (if cmdecho (setvar "cmdecho" cmdecho))
    (princ msg)
  (setq cmdecho (getvar "cmdecho"))
  (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    ((null (setq ss1 (vl-catch-all-apply 'ssget (list '((0 . "Text,Mtext,Attdef"))))))
    ((vl-catch-all-error-p ss1)
      (princ (strcat "\nERROR|" (vl-catch-all-error-message ss1)))
        (= 'PICKSET (type ss1))
        (= 0 (sslength ss1))
    (T(command "_justifytext" ss1 "" mode))
  (setvar "cmdecho" cmdecho)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

EZOffset and leveraging a code snippet to create multiple routines

It's been a while.

Since I am emailing tips to my coworkers I thought I would start posting some of the background on those tips.

This is a link to EZOFFSET.LSP which has the following aliases for offsetting specific distances:

;;;  Offsets by sixteenths of an inch  -  OF (the "F" is for fraction") followed by the number of 16ths you want to offset
OF1        offset 1/16"
OF2        offset 2/16"   (1/8")
OF3        offset 3/16"
OF4        offset 4/16"   (1/4")
OF5        offset 5/16"
OF6        offset 6/16"   (3/8")
OF7        offset 7/16"
OF8        offset 8/16"   (1/2")
OF9        offset 9/16"
OF10      offset 10/16"  (5/8")
OF11      offset 11/16"
OF12      offset 12/16"  (3/4")
OF13      offset 13/16"
OF14      offset 14/16"  (7/8")
OF15      offset 15/16"

;;;  Offsets by inches - O followed by the number of inches you want to offset.  This has some variations shown below in red.
O1          offset 1"
O1F4      offset 1 4/16"  (1 1/4")
O1F8      offset 1 8/16"  (1 1/2")
O1F12   offset 1 12/16" (1 3/4")
O2          offset 2"
O3          offset 3"
O3F8      offset 3 8/16" (3 1/2")
O4          offset 4"
O5          offset 5"
O5F8      offset 5 8/16" (5 1/2")
O6          offset 6"
O7          offset 7"
O8          offset 8"
O9          offset 9"
O10        offset 10"
O11        offset 11"
O12        offset 12"
O13        offset 13"
O14        offset 14"
O15        offset 15"
O16        offset 16"
O17        offset 17"
O18        offset 18"
O19        offset 19"
O20        offset 20"
O21        offset 21"
O22        offset 22"
O23        offset 23"
O24        offset 24"
O30        offset 30"
O36        offset 36"
O42        offset 42"
O48        offset 48"
O60        offset 60"
O72        offset 72"
O84        offset 84"
O96        offset 96"
O108      offset 108"  (9')
O120      offset 120"  (10')
O132      offset 132"  (11')
O144      offset 144"  (12')
O156      offset 156"  (13')
O168      offset 168"  (14')
O180      offset 180"  (15')
O240      offset 240"  (20')
O360      offset 360"  (30')
O480      offset 480"  (40')

The meat of the code is thus:

(defun ezoffset(
  (setq offsetdist (getvar "offsetdist"))
  (setvar "offsetdist" dist)
  (command "offset" dist)
  (while (wcmatch (getvar "cmdnames") "*offset*")
    (command pause)
  (setvar "offsetdist" offsetdist)
and can be called, like this:

(defun c:OF1()(ezoffset 0.0625))  ;offset 1/16"
(defun c:OF2()(ezoffset 0.125))   ;offset 2/16"   (1/8")

The naming conventions I have used for these routines are arbitrary, but they work for me.

Let me know if you find these useful.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Number base conversion - optimized

This is a second iteration on my previous post.

    Seconds for 25,000 Iterations    
Number Base ToBase10 ToBase10-2 Change
1111 2 1.08 0.656 -40%
1523 6 1.09 0.547 -50%
15A23 26 1.86 0.703 -38%

Take the above for what it’s worth.  If this is a time critical conversion and you have tight control over the number being converted – you may opt for using ToBase10-2 and wrapping it in a vl-catch-all-apply.  Either way, it’s your call.

(defun ToBase10-2(NumBase InputValue / )
indx      0
;;Get the list of multipliers
       temp (mapcar
(lambda    (x)
if (< 57 x)
- x 55)
- x 48)
reverse (vl-string->list
(if (= 'INT (type InputValue))
itoa InputValue)
rtval      0
repeat (length temp)
digit (nth indx temp)
rtval (+ rtval (* Digit (expt NumBase indx)))
indx  (1+ indx)

Number base conversion

This routine will convert a number from any base between 2 and 36, inclusive, to base 10.

  Routine:    ToBase10
  Purpose:    Convert a number from any base between 2 and 36 to base 10
  Arguments:    NumBase - integer where 2<= NumBase <= 36.  The number base from which we are
            Symbol - example: '010010
            Number - example:   10010
            string - example: "010010" or "10010"
  Returns:    The input value converted to base 10
  This routine is the inverse of the base routine found in the acad developement help files
    under "ASCII Code Conversion", hence, (tobase10 16 (base 16 5284)) returns 5284
  Example1:    (tobase10 2 '11001011 )  returns      203
  Example2:     (tobase10 2  11001011 )  returns      203
  Example3:     (tobase10 2 "11001011")  returns      203

  Example4:     (tobase10 6 '15243 )     returns     2475
  Example5:     (tobase10 6  15243 )     returns     2475
  Example6:     (tobase10 6 "15243")     returns     2475

  Example7:     (tobase10 16 '34F1A )    returns   216858
  Example9:     (tobase10 16 "34F1A")    returns   216858
    Notice that '34F1A cannot be represented as a number, hence, only two examples

  Example10:    (tobase10 36 '11001011 ) returns 60525828
  Example11:    (tobase10 36  11001011 ) returns 60525828
  Example12:    (tobase10 36 "11001011") returns 60525828
    As a check, use this online java applet.


(defun ToBase10 (NumBase InputValue / rtval)

;;Here we convert out input value’s type.
((= 'str (type inputvalue))
setq inputvalue (strcase inputvalue))
= 'SYM (type inputvalue))
setq InputValue (vl-symbol-name InputValue))

;;Here we start validating our input
;;Base is not an integer
    ((not (= 'int (type NumBase)))
"ERROR|ToBase10 base argument must be an integer - "
(vl-prin1-to-string (type NumBase))
" provided (" (vl-prin1-to-string NumBase) ")"
;;Base argument is out of range
(> 2 NumBase)
< 36 NumBase)
"ERROR|ToBase10 Base argument must be greater than 1 and less than 36 - " (itoa NumBase) " provided."
;;InputValue is of wrong type for specified base
(> NumBase 10)
not (= 'STR (type InputValue)))
"ERROR|Numbers in a base greater than 10 must be expressed as a string - ToBase routine."
;;InputValue has invalid characters
    ((not (vl-every
(lambda (asciicode)
;;Character below "0" used
          ((< asciicode 48) nil)
;;Character greater than valid used for base less than or equal to 10
(<= NumBase 10)
> asciicode (+ 47 NumBase))
;;For base greater than 10, invalid character used
          ((and (> NumBase 10)
not (wcmatch (chr asciicode) (strcat "[0-9],[A-" (chr (+ NumBase 54)) "]")))
T T)
vl-string->list (if (= 'INT (type InputValue))
itoa InputValue)
"ERROR|Invalid InputValue argument provided to ToBase10 routine : " (vl-prin1-to-string InputValue)

;;Now we’re done validating the input, let’s get started
indx      0
;;Get the list of multipliers
       temp (mapcar
(lambda    (x)
if (< 57 x)
- x 55)
- x 48)
reverse (vl-string->list
(if (= 'INT (type InputValue))
itoa InputValue)
rtval      0
repeat (length temp)
digit (nth indx temp)
rtval (+ rtval (* Digit (expt NumBase indx)))
indx  (1+ indx)

The concept for this approach was derived from here - chapter IX.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Bulk Rename Utility

I am working on a project that involves renaming many xref drawing files.  To deal with redirecting all of the references to these files I have created a routine that reads a list of old reference drawing names and new reference drawing names from a tab delimited text file.  The lisp routine then renames each reference to each of the redirected files and changes the path to point to the renamed drawing.  The intention is that this routine will be run by the s::startup routine when a drawing opens.  This allows us to simply add an entry to the redirection list and it will be handled the next time any referencing drawings are opened.

Yesterday I was faced with the task of renaming about 50 of these xref drawing files in one shot.  Enter “Bulk Rename Utility”.  Bulk Rename Utility is a free file renaming tool allowing you to easily rename files and entire folders based upon extremely flexible criteria.  A look at a screenshot (here) gives an idea just how many options there are.  This utility not only allowed me to rename these 50 files in one quick shot, but also gave me a tab delimited list of the old name and new name pairs.  This list will go directly into my xref redirection list with very little additional tweaking.

Kudos to a great piece of free software.  Download it here:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Get all insertions of a block

Note: this process will not correctly identify insertions of dynamic blocks. - mweaver 01/18/2019
Let’s look at a way to get all insertions of a block without using ssget and without iterating through all objects in the drawing.  This method will also get nested block insertions.
Let’s say the block we want is named “Test2”.
We can use tblobjname to get the block definition entity, thus:
(tblobjname "block" "test2")
This will get us an entity name which we can run through entget to get the following:
((-1 . <Entity name: 7ee414c8>)
  (0 . "BLOCK")
  (330 . <Entity name: 7ee414c0>)
  (5 . "181")
  (100 . "AcDbEntity")
  (67 . 0)
  (8 . "0")
  (100 . "AcDbBlockBegin")
  (70 . 0)
  (10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
  (-2 . <Entity name: 7ee414d0>)
  (2 . "test2")
  (1 . "")
Here we have the beginning of the block definition – the objects that make up the block.  If we do an entget on the entity name at assoc 330, we get something like the following:
((-1 . <Entity name: 7ee414c0>)
  (0 . "BLOCK_RECORD")
  (330 . <Entity name: 7ee3fc08>)
  (5 . "180")
  (100 . "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
  (100 . "AcDbBlockTableRecord")
  (2 . "test2")
  (360 . <Entity name: 7ee414c8>)
  (340 . <Entity name: 0>)
  (102 . "{BLKREFS")
  (331 . <Entity name: 7ee414e8>)
  (331 . <Entity name: 7ee41540>)
  (102 . "}")
  (70 . 1)
  (280 . 1)
  (281 . 0)
Note the 331 entries.  These are the entity names for each insertion of Test2.
This approach has distinct advantages over ssget, primarily because this will show nested insertions.  Also, with a bit of trickery, this can be used with objectdbx documents – avoiding the need to iterate every object in the drawing looking for block insertions.
For more information see my entry on Getting block insertions with objectdbx.