I hate doing things I can make my computer do for me. My adventures in customizing and automating computers. Primarily with AutoCAD and Microsoft Office.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Nested Layer Control Autocad Lisp Routines

This is a group of files that will allow the user to selected nested objects for manipulating the layers: Each of the routines will allow the user to select an object. Information on the object and it's layer, including nesting information, will be shown in a dialog box. From there, the user selects the level of nesting that involves the layer he wants. Picking OK will perform the operation on the nested layer.

Sorry this is a bit rough, I was in a hurry.

Begin NestedLayerControl.lsp

c:llo		turn a layer off by selecting a nested entity
c:llk		lock a layer by selecting a nested entity
c:llf		freeze a layer by selecting a nested entity
c:llu		unlock a layer by selecting a nested entity
c:llp		Set layer plotting on by selecting a nested entity
c:llnp		Set layer plotting off by selecting a nested entity

c:vplf		ViewPort Layer Freeze by selecting a nested entity
nlf		nested layer functions
ezl:nllist	dialog box routine used for nlf


(defun c:llo (				;turn a layer off by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	     )				;no local variables
  (nlf "OFF" T)
)					;end llo

(defun c:llk (				;lock a layer by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	     )				;no local variables
  (nlf "LOCK" T)
)					;end llk

(defun c:llnp(				;Turn off plotting by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	      )				;no local variables
  (nlf '("P" "NoPlot") T)

(defun c:llp(				;Turn plotting on by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	      )				;no local variables
  (nlf '("P" "Plot") T)

(defun c:vplf(
  (nlf "VPLFREEZE" T)

(defun c:llf (				;freeze a layer by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	     )				;no local variables
  (nlf "FREEZE" T)
)					;end llf

(defun c:llu (				;unlock a layer by selecting a nested entity
	      /				;no formal arguments
	     )				;no local variables
  (nlf "UNLOCK" T)
)					;end llU

(defun nlf (				;nested layer functions
	    which			;text string for the layer command
	    nestedp			;true to work on nested layers, nil otherwise
	    /				;end of formal argument list
	    blipmode cmdecho echo elist ent layer prmpt temp
	   )				;end of local variable list
    ;;linetype change
    ((and (listp which) (= "L" (strcase (car which))))
       prmpt (strcat "change to linetype " (cadr which))
       echo (strcat "changed to " (cadr which) " linetype.")
    ((and (listp which) (= "P" (strcase (car which))))
       prmpt (strcat "set to " (cadr which))
       echo (strcat "Set to " (cadr which) ".")
    ((listp which)
     (alert "Unhandled list as argument WHICH in EZLayer nlf function.")
    ((equal "OFF" which)
       prmpt "turn off:"
       echo  "turned off."
     ) ;_ end of setq
    ((equal "FREEZE" which)
       prmpt "freeze:"
       echo  "frozen."
     ) ;_ end of setq
    ((equal "LOCK" which)
       prmpt "lock:"
       echo  "locked."
     ) ;_ end of setq
    ((equal "UNLOCK" which)
       prmpt "unlock:"
       echo  "unlocked."
     ) ;_ end of setq
    ((equal "VPLFREEZE" which)
       prmpt "freeze in current viewport:"
       echo "frozen in current viewport:"
    ((equal "Plot Off" which)
       prmpt "Turn plotting off:"
       echo "Plotting turned off: ")
    ((equal "Plot On" which)
       prmpt "Turn plotting on:"
       echo "Plotting turned on: ")
    (T exit)
  )					;end cond

       (null nestedp)
       (setq ent (entsel (strcat "Pick entity on layer to " prmpt)))
       elist (entget (car ent))
       layer (cdr (assoc 8 elist))
     )					;end null nestedp
       (setq ent (nentsel (strcat "Pick entity on layer to " prmpt)))
       (setq temp (ezl:nllist ent))
       (/= 0 (car temp))
       )				;end and
     (setq layer (cadadr temp))
    (T (alert "\nInvalid value in nlp function.")(exit))
					;end nestedp
    (if (and
	  (= (strcase layer) (getvar "clayer"))
	  (= which "FREEZE")
	(princ "\nSetting current layer to 0. ")
        (setvar "clayer" "0")
	blipmode (getvar "blipmode")
	cmdecho	 (getvar "cmdecho")
      ) ;_ end of setq
      (setvar "cmdecho" 1);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
      (setvar "blipmode" 0)
	   (listp which)
	   (member (strcase (car which)) '("L" "P"))
	 (command "layer" (car which) (cadr which) layer "")
	((listp which)
	 (alert "Unhandled list for WHICH argument in nlf function.")
	;;basic layer command
	((member which '("FREEZE" "OFF" "LOCK" "UNLOCK" ))
	 (command "layer" which layer "")
	;;vplayer freeze
	((= which "VPLFREEZE")
	 (if (= 0 (getvar "tilemode"))
	     (command "vplayer" "f" layer "" "")
	     (alert "This command must have tilemode set to 0")
	(T (alert (strcat "Invalid function name: " which " in nlf function in ezlutils.lsp")))
      (setvar "blipmode" blipmode)
      (setvar "cmdecho" cmdecho)
      (princ (strcat "\nLayer " layer " " echo))
      (setvar "cmdecho" cmdecho)
      (setvar "blipmode" blipmode)
    )					;end progn
)					;end nlf


(defun ezl:nllist (				;list the layers of a nested entity
	       sellist			;list returned by nentsel
	       /			;end of formal argument list
	       elayer			;nested function
	       nlist:fill_list		;nested function
	       entlist	   llist	   dcl_id
	       listitem	   which
	      )				;end of local variable list

  (defun elayer	(			;return the entity type and layer name
		 ent			;entity name
		 /			;end of formal argument list
		)			;end of local variable list
      elist (entget ent)
      layer (cdr (assoc 8 elist))
      etype (cdr (assoc 0 elist))
      etype (cond
	      ((= "INSERT" etype)
		 "Block "
		 (cdr (assoc 2 elist))
		 " insertion"
	       ) ;_ end of strcat
	      ((= "ATTDEF" etype)
	       "Attribute Definition"
	      ((= "ATTRIB" etype)
	      ((= "BODY" etype)
	       "3D Solid"
	      (T etype)
	    ) ;_ end of cond
    )					;end setq
    (list etype layer)
  )					;end elayer

  (defun nllist:fill_list (		;fill the layers list box
			   llist	;list of layers and entity descriptions
			   listbox-key	;the key for the listbox
			   /		;end of formal argument list
			  )		;end of local variable list
    (start_list listbox-key)
    (foreach ent llist
      (add_list	(strcat
		  (cadr ent)		;layer name
		  "\t "
		  (car ent)		;entity description
		)			;end strcat
      )					;end add_list
    )					;end foreach
  ) ;_ end of defun

  (if (<= 4 (length sellist))
    (setq entlist (cons (car sellist) (last sellist)))
    (setq entlist (list (car sellist)))
  ) ;_ end of if
    llist  (mapcar 'elayer entlist)
    dcl_id (load_dialog "nllist.dcl")
  ) ;_ end of setq
  (if (not (new_dialog "setlayer" dcl_id))
  ) ;_ end of if

  (action_tile "layer_list" "(setq listitem $value)")
  (nllist:fill_list llist "layer_list")
    listitem (get_tile "layer_list")
    which    (start_dialog)
  ) ;_ end of setq
  (unload_dialog dcl_id)
  (list which (nth (atoi listitem) llist))
)					;end ezl:nllist

Begin NLList.dcl
    dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings { audit_level = 3; }
setlayer : dialog {
   initial_focus = "layer_list" ;
   key = "chlayer" ;
   label = "Select layer" ;
   : list_box {
      allow_accept = true ;
      key = "layer_list" ;
      label = "Layers" ;
      mnemonic = "L" ;
      width = 96 ;
      height = 32;
      tabs ="16 24 32";
   ok_cancel ;


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